Λεωνίδας Μπαλάφας – Ότι αισθάνεσαι να λες (cover by J.Arnis and Ι.Βιτώρης)
Ερμηνεία (Vocals): Γιάννης Αρνής (John Arnis)
Aκουστική Κιθάρα (Ac. Guitar): Γιάννης Αρνής (John Arnis)
Ηλεκτρική Κιθάρα (El. Guitar): Γιάννης Αρνής (John Arnis)
Πιάνο (Piano): Ιωάννης Βιτώρης (Ioannis Vitoris)
Programming & Editing of Wind Instruments and Bass Guitar: John Arnis
Editing, Mixing & Mastering: John Arnis
Στίχοι (Lyrics) – Μουσική (Music): Λεωνίδας Μπαλάφας (Leonidas Balafas)
Άλμπουμ (Album): Ας Ρίχνει Και Χαλάζι
Youtube Subscribe John Arnis:
/ @johnarnis7340
Youtube Subscribe Ioannis Vitoris (SBan B):
/ @i.k.v.
All copyrights belong to its rightful owner that created this song (Music / Lyrics: Leonidas Balafas).This video was uploaded specifically for entertainment purposes and research only. It is a non-profit channel. If any copyright owner objects to the use of any music or images appearing in these videos, please contact me and I will remove the video and music with immediate effect.